Soak Your Feet In Apple Cider Vinegar For This Incredible Benefits!
People have used Apple Cider Vinegar as a natural remedy for many years because it is extremely versatile. Apple Cider Vinegar can be used to treat blood sugar problems, it can reduce cholesterol, and can also treat Athlete’s foot – (Athlete’s foot (tinea pedis) is a fungal infection that usually begins between the toes) and is a very annoying condition which affects thousands of people every year.
We are rough on our feet. They can remain neglected for a long time, especially during the cold months, they are always covered with socks and shoes. However, it is important that we exercise caution so that our feet and toes are in good shape. Apple Cider Vinegar can help to keep our feet and toes are in good shape.
Usually when people use Apple Cider Vinegar to treat problems of the feet or toes, then it includes damping (soaking). Take a look at six different ways, which ACV can keep your feet and toenails healthy and happy.
What is Athlete’s Foot?
This common fungus is visible on the feet and hands, which often causes itching and irritation. It can also make skin peels and layers. It is usually found between toes, but nails, high heeled shoes, and sadly that can spread in the hands.
But, what is the Apple Cider Vinegar to fight Athlete’s Feet?
Apple Cider Vinegar’s anti-fungal, antiseptic, and antimicrobial properties help to do many things for our sock-covered toes. Apple Cider Vinegar relieves the pain and irritation caused by fungus leading to the feet. It also balances the pH level and reduces inflammation.
Just soak your feet 1/2 cup Apple Cider Vinegar along with 2 tablespoons of Epsom salt and some water for 10 minutes in the day.
- Apple Cider Vinegar helps in Fatigue, Pain, and Aches:-
By soaking your feet in Apple Cider Vinegar, you can soak up the swollen, tired, and more work feet. Since there are anti-inflammatory properties, which can run continuously, it can be life-saving for them. Just add one part to the Apple Cider Vinegar in two parts water and some tablespoons of Epsom salt in the wash basin. Soak your feet for about 30 minutes to take full advantage of all the benefits of this home remedies. - Apple Cider Vinegar helps in Foot Odor:-
Not only this, Apple Cider Vinegar reduces inflammation, it is also a powerful disinfectant. It is capable of killing bacteria spreading stinky feet. Again, add one part Apple Cider Vinegar to water in two parts and soak for 20-30 minutes. After doing this every day for two weeks, you do not have to worry about that strange smell when you close your shoes and socks at the end of a long day at work. - Apple Cider Vinegar helps in Dry Skin & Calluses:-
While some people are suffering from athlete’s foot, and others are suffering from smelly feet, some people’s feet become harder and leathery over time. Apple Cider Vinegar softens the skin of the feet and copes with the Calluses, heel fisheries, and corns. Just applying this powerful vinegar to the affected areas, these patches will become wet. However, you can also use the above recipes to soak your feet. If you want to apply Apple Cider Vinegar to specific areas, then we recommend tapping a cotton ball that is soaked in vinegar, in a rough patch, corn or chalices. Just remember that cotton balls do not come in contact with healthy areas. Acid can irritate the unaffected portion of your leg. Sleep with the applied cotton ball and then remove it in the next morning. - Apple Cider Vinegar helps in Toenail Fungus
Yellow, torn toenails can be embarrassing and crappy. Apple Cider Vinegar helps to kill bacteria and keep the toenail clean. If you want to protect your other toenails from getting infected and may all get rid of the infection together, then combine 1 part apple cider vinegar with 1 part water and Soak for 30 minutes in the day for two weeks. If you do not take a serious case of toenail fungus, then you will be amazed at the results. - Apple Cider Vinegar helps in Plantar Warts
Apple Cider Vinegar not only treats calluses, corns, toenail fungus, and heel fissures. It also works wonders on the stubborn basement wart. Soaking or direct application is recommended. Consistency is essential. Continue treatment till the wart is removed.
Get the best, organic Apple Cider Vinegar for the best results.